How to Use the Website most effectively
The concept map is a clickable guide that will take you anywhere within the website.
On the concept map, one may distinguish between rectangles and ovals. The rectangles point to important resources which are available on the site. The ovals point to each of the individual lecture topics which are covered by the site.
If you click on an oval, you will be taken to the main page for that lecture. Each main lecture page has a common format as follows:
Classroom Activities (broken down by day)
Summary of Main Ideas
Resources (when appropriate)
In general, we have allowed five class periods for each lecture topic, and three class periods for each experiment, but of course, one must expect some flexibility.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Website!
Kazuo Ota Cottrell Chemistry Teacher, Lake Region Union High School
Topher Waring Physics Teacher and Chairman of the Science Department, Lake Region Union High School